The Greater Process of Movement | Parliament of the World’s Religions

Live Broadcast recorded via Facebook, November 5, 2018 at the Parliament of the World’s Religions
Hi there, everyone. This is Reed Summers. I am here at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto, Canada, and I’ve been participating in the event here for a few days. I just wanted to share with you a perspective that I have on the state of the world and our connection to the state of the world, and how faith and spirituality and religion—if you have a religion—is connected to that.
Now this is a perspective that I haven’t heard yet at the Parliament. And as I listen to people speak about love and inclusion and peace, I feel in myself that we are at risk of making these ideals, things that we want but do not yet know how to achieve. And in part that’s because we do not yet understand the context for life in the world at this time.
So I’d like to share with you a perspective on the context of the world and how this connects to us individually, spiritually and the arrival of the New Revelation from the Creator of all life that has come to inspire us to connect to the state of the world and make this connection a reality.
What I’d like to share with you is based on a series of revelations received by my father Marshall Vian Summers over a 30-year period. So what I’m sharing with you is not something I just thought up in this moment. I’ve been living with it for most of my life. My father Marshall Vian Summers has been living with this reality and receiving it from a Divine Source himself for many years of his life. And so I give this to you now, hoping that you are in a position to see this bigger context and the great calling that it represents for you and your life, the deeper gifts that you carry, the greater possibility that you can be a contributor to a world facing unbelievable environmental, social, political change, and even beyond that, contact with intelligent life in the universe in which we live.
So I’d like to first speak briefly about this state of the world and the state of contact. I hear much about the reality of climate change and environmental destruction that humanity has wrought upon the Earth. And I hear it here at the Parliament of World’s Religions. I hear it everywhere now—from people I know, people I see, on the internet. There’s a lot of growing awareness about the Earth and our relationship to it and the damage that we have done to it, and a sense of growing responsibility to respond to this as a great opportunity to bring forth a greater ethic, a greater spirit, a greater unity amongst religions, nations, tribes and so forth. So I hear this and I am inspired by it. I’m inspired by people who see the truth about the state of our Earth and feel a calling to respond.
But what I do not hear is a recognition that we are part of a larger panorama of life and whether today, tomorrow or 50 years from now, we will ultimately come into contact with that larger Greater Community of life. And so while there’s a growing sense of connectedness here on Earth in the face of growing division here on Earth, there is also the lack of an awareness that we live within a universe of intelligent life and that contact—contact with extraterrestrial life forms—is our destiny and is, in fact, happening now.
I’ve spoken to people, asking them this question about contact. And in a way, they have no response; they don’t know what to say about it or to it. It’s so far outside their frame of reference. And yet what I’m inviting you to do is to expand your frame of reference to not just be about humans interacting with humans, but humans preparing to interact with other forms of intelligent life, who are also God’s Creation, who are also part of the unfolding universe, and yet will never become Muslims or Christians or people of earthly religions.
Who are these? Are we connected to them? And if so and if they are part of what God has created in the universe, this radically changes our notions about Creation, prophecy, redemption. It becomes something now much more universal and based upon the deeper spiritual mind and essence within the individual that we would then share. Humans would have this as well as other life forms would have this as well.
And so, for those who are not yet aware, contact is underway. You can go into many arenas to learn about this. There’s a lot of research about the reality of contact. But it is happening. It is a reality. This is one of the two great components of the bigger picture facing our world at this time. The other is the environmental crisis that humanity has created on Earth which threatens the survival and habitability of Earth for humanity into the future.
And these two events—the reality of contact with intelligent life and the dire environmental situation on Earth, which is then fueling numerous political and social crises—converge to create a powerful time for humanity. And for you watching this message, I sense that many are people oriented to this future. They are connected to it. They have always been connected to it. And life just as a normal person—marriage, work, home, family—is not enough. There’s something bigger about their life and it’s connected to the future. They are people of the future living now.
And now the future is being brought to our awareness, both with what we see in the world around us and through a Revelation from the Creator of all life, which is called the New Message from God, which is the Revelation that my father Marshall Vian Summers has received.
And what I see is a convergence of these greater forces—the greater force of environmental challenge in the world, the force of contact in the world; our presence in the world and our emerging sense of purpose in this world; and this Revelation from the Creator of all life, given to stimulate our recognition of the condition of the world and our service to it. And I almost see it as a wheel or a circle, split into thirds.
We have the world and its condition and its future in a Greater Community of life. We have you and the reality that you were born into this time to serve the world at this time and that this purpose is stirring in you; it’s trying to move in you. And then the last part of this circle image is the reality of a new Revelation from the Creator of all life, which is really here to confirm that you have this purpose, to confirm that you have a deeper nature that is connected to the larger movement of the world.
So I wanted to present this image to you in the sense that it is meant to produce movement in the world. The world is moving. We are moving. The Revelation is moving. And it’s almost like a great wheel that’s beginning to turn to bring fresh water and life and energy and restoration where it needs to go. Because as I walk these halls and I meet people of many faiths, I hear their aspirations. I hear their ideas for change and the improvement of life on Earth.
But there is a sense of hope, but not movement—wanting, but not yet doing; or trying to enact the solution based on ancient teachings that were not given for this modern set of problems that we are facing, extrapolating from ancient texts teachings that, hopefully, might tell us what to do now facing climate change, resource depletion, the loss of biodiversity, growing war and conflict, all of these things, religious violence.
And yet, the problem is so big and the solution has not yet gotten big enough to meet it. And that’s what I feel being here. Huge problem. Small response in the world, small solution. Because, though there may be a few thousand like-minded, inspired people here, step out of these doors and you step onto the streets of Toronto where people are spending out their life force on relationships and stimulation and self-fulfillment and acquisition and all these things that are not ever going to bring those individuals into contact with their greater purpose to serve the world, which needs them so greatly.
So there’s a greater process of movement that needs to begin in the world, in the world of religion, in the world of your life, wherever you are, whoever you are. Movement. Movement needs to begin. And I feel this movement can begin by recognizing the context for life in the world at this time, by recognizing that something is stirring in you. Something has always been stirring in you, perhaps from an early age, compelling you on, telling you, “No, don’t give your life to this person or to this situation. Keep moving. Keep searching.” And that that search is meant to bring you to a real life of service to this present and future world that will be so radically different than the past.
And you, if you feel that, I urge you to consider receiving something of a Higher Power because it can’t just be an intellectual idea or a momentary inspiration of this weekend or this moment. You have to actually bring your life into a new state, a new condition, which means a preparation that touches all the aspects of your life—your work, your health, your relationships, where you live, how you live.
It’s really big because we are really big on the inside.
The solution that we carry is as big as the problem that we see. But if we don’t see the problem, or we think it’s small or just Earth-based, you know, just humans fighting humans, we don’t feel the activation of this inner solution that we carry. And we will not be able to recognize the presence of a New Revelation from God in the world, which is really meant to activate this inner solution, to give it focus and direction, to give us the steps to take to coming into contact with this solution, this spiritual power within us, which the New Message from God calls Knowledge—the knowing mind, this greater intelligence.
So I urge you, if you feel the world is facing great change, even beyond what we know and see today, contact with other forms of life in the universe, great environmental decline, great economic upheaval, if you feel this and see this and sense this at the level of Knowledge and that you sense that you are connected to this in some way, you, whatever life you live, wherever you are in the world, you sense that you’ve always been connected to this, and a small life would never be enough, you’ve always needed to be a part of the really big thing happening in the world, I urge you, then, to receive this Revelation, received by Marshall Vian Summers over 30 years. It is free online. It is a message really to you that he has stewarded for so many years to give it to you. Or to give to me so I can give it to you because it doesn’t belong to me. It doesn’t belong to Marshall.
It’s a Message for the world from the Creator. And what it asks of you is to be who you really are and to bring forth your deeper nature—to honor it, to give room to it and to allow it to express itself through you as it naturally will do when you see the world as it is and when you can see the future world coming over the horizon.
So I feel how precious this time in the world is. And I think we all know that. We all know this is a turning point. This is a time when we either choose greater division and conflict, choose to follow our own personal self-interests, choose to stay separated and self-fixated, or we choose to receive a greater solution and allow something greater in us to emerge.
And I can tell you from my own experience, my own story, having gone through the process of receiving the New Message over many years, that it takes you out of the smallness of yourself. It connects you to the world. It connects you to larger forces underway in the world, forces for good. And it gives you the real world, a functional spiritual preparation to get into position to be part of that force for good in the world.
We all know that this force for good exists. We all know that there are forces that support division and conflict and even evil. And so this force for good we know. We know it’s there and we want to be a part of it, don’t we? We don’t just want to live a happy and fulfilled life, feather our nest, retire, you know, stimulate ourselves, distract ourselves as the world becomes darker and more difficult. I don’t think we want that.
I think we want to step into our larger and greater life and be a part of something that is a force for good in the world. And it is by getting this wheel turning. It is by gaining movement, life and regeneration in the religions of the world, in all the corners of the world that are not moving. Life is not moving. Purpose is not being found, yet. By getting that moving, we will find our place in this greater order of things.
And the solution will get bigger and bigger, not because we believe it to be or idealize it to be bigger or because we simply want peace, love and inclusion. It’s getting bigger because the spiritual Presence within us is growing in our awareness.
Every interaction you have, you support it in others. Every interaction you have, you confirm this spiritual reality in those you’re talking to. And they feel it, from you. Not just hear it from you, they feel it from you. And they’re stirred. This is the greater solution growing in the world, growing as the great problems of the world grow as well.
But for me, it doesn’t start with ideas. It doesn’t start with good ideas that we talk about and discuss with like-minded people. To me, it starts by you and me and many other people recognizing they came into the world for this time. It’s a difficult time, but they came here for a difficult time. And the deeper part of them is ready for that. It has the strength and compassion and certainty and perseverance that will be needed to face that challenging time ahead.
It is by you, me and others finding this, honoring it and feeling the calling of a New Message from God to come back to this spiritual Presence within us, to take the steps to it and allow it to emerge through us naturally.
This is the solution. This is the answer.
So thank you for spending this time with me today. Thank you for letting me share my experience with you. I urge you to consider the real events of this world and also the events that are less obvious and difficult to see, which is the reality of contact with intelligent life in the universe. This to me is the starting point. You start with the context and you see how that moves you. What does that move in you and what would you then do in light of it?
Start with that context. See the real picture, a picture that the New Message from God presents with absolute clarity in perfectly clear language for everyone to receive.
Start there and know that this is connected to who you are and why you’re in the world. It’s connected to those who sent you into the world and the greater relationships of destiny that you are meant to have and to serve within giving back to this world that is our home and that is under great threat now.
So thank you. Wonderful to be with you. Take care.
Thank you, Reed. Very clear and essential presentation, within a short time, of the relevance of a New Message from God for the world of our time and its specific challenges.
Thank you for such a clear encapsulation of what is happening and what we can do, and need to do to serve each other and humanity as a whole. The power that clear vision and objective observation of what is actually happening in the world can have. As the NM directs us…look to the world and watch for its signs. These are the signs that can connect with us at this deeper level, bringing about a stirring and inspiration that something in these signs has our name on it. As if we are becoming activated and moved from these signs on the inside, to then take actions on the outside.
You’re so right…the problems are big and growing, and the solutions must be big and effective to address them. We carry these solutions within us as individuals and as a race, in that Divine spark called Knowledge. This Knowledge holds for us our purpose for being here, and all aspects that we will need in our lives to do what we came here to do, with those individuals we are meant to join with in this service. As you have said, without recognizing the true state of the world, we cannot recognize the solutions that live within us, for they are connected intrinsically.
I pray that this awareness and wisdom can continue to spread to more and more people around the world. People who are just waiting for this awareness in their lives, and ready to respond to the New Message and all it brings for them and our world.