The Messenger’s Training for the Flood of Revelation

Watch the Messenger speak during the 2020 Steps to Knowledge, May 26, 2020.
Marshall: I’ve been thinking about this in preparation for our Vigil. And it took me a long time to prepare to receive Steps to Knowledge. But it was the culmination of what had happened before and what would happen afterwards when I first received this indication that I would be receiving a very important teaching for the world. Of course, when you hear things like that or feel things like that, you think it’s now. “Oh, what is it? Do I do it now? How do I do it?” But it wasn’t for now; it would be another seven or eight years before it would be received.
In the interim, I had to go through a major life change. And that sign about the future was kind of an orientation point, like what pilots use when they fixate on a mountaintop or some kind of feature on the landscape to coordinate their navigation. And so indeed, I—after teaching inner guidance training for six or seven years—I had my first initiation experience, which I will not try to describe, except to say that it was the most powerful experience I’ve ever had. And the most terrifying. But as a result of that, something was set in motion within me and I began to unravel my commitments, my life—undo my life at that time, give up all my students, leave my relationships. And I wandered for about nine months; ended up in a desert retreat. And then the second initiation, which was much easier than the first, said, “Good, now return to the city and begin to record,” which I did. And that was the beginning in January of 1983 when the very first teachings were recorded, very early on. I didn’t know even what this was yet. And so I had to do that for six years: to receive and to receive and to receive. And then I began to do presentations around the country, receiving these in front of audiences and then taking their questions. The Voice, the Voice would take their questions. But it was all training for me, really. It was all preparing me to be able to receive the flood of Revelation that would come with Steps to Knowledge. And it required a relocation to a whole other part of the country. I met my wife, Patricia. Soon after my initiation within the following year, we conceived Reed; we had Reed. And Darlene Mitchell, who is still with us today, wonderfully, joined with us. We took a journey searching for a home somewhere else, put everything in storage and took off—adventure, mystery. “You’ll know it’s the right place when you get there.” And so that brought me to this little house in Albany, New York, on the edge of a municipal golf course where Steps to Knowledge and many other books would be received. I had to break from the old life really completely, and be continuing, venturing into a new life, or early parts of a new life, before Steps to Knowledge could be given. Sometimes the biggest messages we receive will be kind of vague and foggy, but they’re an indicator out in the future. But to find that and to have it come into full view, requires a real journey. So I took a great journey. And so did Patricia, Darlene and Reed at that time. After being there for about a year, which I was involved in a lot of study, Steps…I knew Steps was coming, was about to happen. And it did happen. And I was ready for it. But I remember the first evening that I received this—and we’ll go over the Steps that were received, the first 35 steps of Steps to Knowledge—I was so worried I would screw this up. I was so worried that I would shut down or get in the way or do something to interfere with what was about to happen because it was becoming more clear to me as I approached this that I really had to be ready to receive something from beyond myself that would be a Message and a training for the world. So it had a lot of significance, right, to come all this way, through all this change for this moment. But it happened. And we’ll tell the rest of the story as we go through our Vigil together about what transpired.
Such a privileged to be able to hear this from Marshal.