The New Message Empowers Us to Save Ourselves

Reed Summers speaks after the public Broadcast on Night 4 of the 2018 Steps Vigil, May 29, 2018
I was reflecting recently how the New Message has spoken of this being the time of personal responsibility for the individual. This is the age of responsibility: the “ability to respond.” And I felt that, I just feel that right now in this Vigil and at this time, how important it is that we’re not looking for a rescuer, or a savior outside of ourselves, either in a figure or a religion; something’s going to come in and just redeem us. Rather, it’s through our work. It’s through our engaged thought and application and movement that we will, in a sense, save ourselves.
I feel that’s very powerful about the New Message in comparison to possibly other traditions that are very much focused on intercession or laying yourself down at the feet of some great power. Rather, this is empowering you to work your way back. And so taking that, exercising your authority in that sense, authority has been given to you and you’re now going to exercise that in your life. That’s really important.
And so this kinda gets you on this track of studenthood where you are self-correcting, you know, as we’ve heard before, the importance of self-correction, bringing yourself back on track or lifting yourself up by the bootstraps or by the lapel instead of someone else having to do that.
So, building that strength in this Community, which we really do alone. I mean, how do you build that strength? How do you gain that wisdom? Well, by making mistakes and putting yourself back on track.
Experience IS the best teacher. I was living a life that was not serving me well. 17 years in a bad relationship, a life of bad habits, drinking, smoking, drugs, fattening foods, going to the bars nearly every night after work, and gambling. Even though I was content with the way things was, something inside was tugging at me to make a change somewhere, somehow. Then, I received my wake up call in 2001. After that, my life changed drastically. I sold and gave away everything I owned, put what was left on my back, said goodbye to my relationship, my cats, and my old life. The angels and I walked to a different state until months later found my new home. It was in a city park where I became homeless for almost 3 years that changed me completely. With the help of the Universe, the angels, my guides, Jesus and adversity, I now live a spiritual life that works, and serves me for who I truly am. I picked my life back up, now have a home, a business, and new friends. It takes courage, strength, and great faith to create a new life full of meaning and purpose. God wants to work in our lives, if we are willing to do the work. I can attest to that. May you all be blessed with courage and strength to overcome adversity, and find God in your lives.
Dianna Sprenkle
Dianna, You are very courageous and are very blessed for doing what you did.
Wow so true Reed, I’d forgotten that before the NMG there was always a sense of being somehow ‘saved’ by someone or something, which if course I never found. Only today I witnessed saying to myself, “You have to pull myself out of the fear (of the world) without being opposed to it, because that’s becoming attached to it, and would be engaging with it.” The age of Individual Responsibility indeed.