The Still Mind | A New Message Teaching Released Live

Watch Tyyne Andrews Introduce The Newest Teaching Released Live From December 7th, 2024.


Hello everyone, and thank you so much for being here today. My name is Tyyne Andrews, and I’ll be introducing today’s teaching. This teaching, The Still Mind, was received by Marshall Vian Summers on December 3rd, 2009, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Vietnam.

And this teaching and hundreds of others are the result of a really deep relationship Marshall has had with an unseen group of Spiritual Teachers. And this profound relationship has spanned over forty years. And because of this connection, there are now 20 books in print and with more to come. 

And the teaching that we’ll be hearing today was received about fifteen years ago and is timeless in its message. It will be applicable now, as well as decades and perhaps even centuries to come. And it’s also placed in a book. It’s not…The book is not yet published, but it’s called Deepening Your Spiritual Practice. And this teaching and many others are up online in the library of the website in Deepening Your Spiritual Practice. And this teaching is also being studied this month in the online studenthood environment where people worldwide are engaging in the study and application of The Way of Knowledge. And Knowledge is our deeper spiritual Intelligence, and is based on experience and not on belief. 

This teaching speaks about assessing our current, the current condition of our mind, the state and condition of our lives. It speaks about the benefits of practicing stillness, and also the approaches to practicing stillness. So we’ll hear that throughout this teaching in terms of assessing. It really is asking us to engage in a deep evaluation, an evaluation of our inner states, like personal thoughts, feelings, relationships—all of that with—greater objectivity. And it also asks us to evaluate our outer lives and our actions, assessing where we might have some instability, perhaps where we are out of harmony with Knowledge.

This teaching is encouraging to bring forth our strength, to see our vulnerabilities and the ability to see the real state and condition of our mind and also of the world that we’re living in. And we can do this whether we’ve been very…we are very new students or we’ve been students for years. So that assessment is very important.

So there are three brief passages that I’d like to read now. They’re all about kind of this transition going from perhaps a chaotic state of mind into a deeper reality, so:

Beneath the noise of the mind and the chaos of your own thoughts lies a greater presence waiting to guide you. stillness is the gateway to that deeper reality.

Your mind is like a turbulent sea, but within it flows a calm and steady current. Practice is the vessel that takes you to this deeper truth.

And then:

The noise within you may seem endless, but persistence will show you that even the loudest storms pass, revealing the clear skies of the mind.

So it’s this transition and undertaking the practice of stillness. And you’ll hear the benefits of stillness which is so important as we face an increasingly chaotic and rapidly changing world, and also the reality that we are emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. So you will hear the benefits of practicing stillness throughout this teaching. 

It also talks about the approaches to practicing stillness, how we actually apply the application of stillness in our lives. It talks about seeking quiet or creating a conducive environment, a quiet environment where we can go to practice someplace that is just for that stillness practice. It talks about focusing on a sound or a word or an object to quiet the mind, and then practicing stillness in all kinds of situations—while we have quiet moments, perhaps waiting…maybe perhaps waiting for this broadcast to start, waiting in line for a cup of coffee, practicing stillness when we’re with others and practicing stillness while engaged in daily activities.

So there’s one more slide I’d like to read before we listen to this teaching and that is:

The still mind is at the center of this study and this great education in The Way of Knowledge. There is nothing more important for you to do right now, and anything else that is important must have this as its foundation to be really effective. Then you will begin to feel what you must do, and you will find the strength to do those things that you could not seem to do before.

And I know that is true in my own life, and perhaps it’s true in yours, too. It gives us such a greater foundation to live in the world and to be more aligned with our purpose for being here.

So with that, let us listen to The Still Mind. 

[The relevation plays.]

Thank you everyone. So much is given in this teaching to put into practice and to be aware of in our experience. I’m always struck by everything that is given and taught in terms of building skills, repatterning our minds, building new pathways, which is a really wonderful thing that we can build healthier pathways, replace the old habits and fears and patterns that no longer serve us.

And we have this month to be with this teaching more deeply through the online study and education in The Way of Knowledge which takes place if you’re new to this there is a website and you can sign up there and go to study we’ll be practicing or studying this particular teaching for the month of December.

And before we go to the chat I want to let you know of some resources for practice and a couple of upcoming events. So this teaching did mention Steps to Knowledge. These are all books in the New Message library in Volume Three. So there’s Steps to Knowledge, the daily practice of stillness and inner knowing. And then there’s a text called Living the Way of Knowledge, and that is helping us as people live in an emerging world; and then, Deepening Your Spiritual Practice, which is not yet published but there are several teachings there along with The Still Mind. And these are all under Volume Three, which is basically the practice and application of living The Way of Knowledge. So those are there for our resource. 

And then we have a few events coming up. We have Tuesdays at 7 pm Mountain Time, we have the Tuesday World Meditation, and that is hosted by a student from all corners of the world. So that’s a really important time to be together. And there’s a a stillness practice that we engage with together in that environment.

And then Saturday, December 21st, this month at 9:00 am, there will be a live teaching from Marshall. So we’ll be sending out updates and emails regarding that. 

So we now have an opportunity to discuss this teaching with each other on the live broadcast chat on Discord. And if you’re new ,you will find the link in the description below.

So with that let, us move to the live broadcast chat to discuss The Still Mind together. And I look forward to seeing you there. Thank you again.

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