Undergoing a Revolution Within Yourself

Watch Patricia Summers speak during the Steps Vigil, Night 4, Jun 2, 2020.
Full Broadcast
Deepening Your Spiritual Practice
Over time, we may find that, as Marshall says, things begin to fade. Our interests and priorities begin to change. Kind of quietly, behind the scenes, underneath everything, our values and desires fade out a bit—just a bit. We begin to experience these in-between states of mind. We really don’t know what they are, you know? Some of our motivation seems less over time. Eventually, we might experience a real test—maybe out of nowhere; maybe we saw it coming.
There could be turning points. I know that we can all see we’ve gone through some turning points. They’re often difficult. Then there’s this feeling that almost the road is running out beneath our feet, you know? Where we thought we were going, what we thought we were doing starts to dim a little bit. This is what Marshall was just highlighting for us, this experience of this certainty shifting. And during that time, we feel more uncertain, more uncertain, more uncertain. I know for myself, whenever I read this or encounter this in the New Message, this term, “undergoing a revolution within yourself”, it has an impact on me. I’ve actually…actually when I look back, I can see that I actually underwent one of these revolution moments and it was building over time. It’s part of this journey that Marshall’s been referring to here and highlighting these elements of. Do you remember undergoing some kind of revolution within yourself? Maybe it was a slow-motion revolution, right? This feeling of, “My God, I just don’t think I can live one more day the way I’ve been living”, you know? One more day…I almost remember the moment when this happened for me. It actually occurred right before I met Marshall where I reached a point in my life where I couldn’t go on any more living the way I had. I found myself saying, “I will not engage in a relationship of any kind going forward until I know what it’s for because I don’t know what relationships are for.” Okay, now I didn’t have the benefit of having something like Relationships & Higher Purpose, this great revelation in the New Message, in my hand at that time, you know. I heard myself saying, “I can’t stand the fog, the haze, the lack of clarity. I cannot stand this. I cannot take a direction from someone else that they have set for me. I cannot do that. What is my life for?” This is this revolution moment, right? There’s this powerful quote in this remarkable revelation, Deepening Your Spiritual Practice: “You will find, as you begin to respond to the deeper need of your soul—the need to know who you are, and why you are here, and what you are really here to do—you will find that your values will change. Your priorities will change. Instead of stimulation, you seek quiet. Instead of superficial conversations with others, you seek to make a deeper connection wherever that is possible. Instead of constant busyness, you want to slow down so you can experience life around you and the reality of life within yourself. You want to get at the other ninety percent that you have been missing.” So I’ve come to develop an eye for when I see this building in people, I watch for it to see this tension building—if it is at all—between the part of us that has lived the life we thought we wanted and this tension with this other calling, this other sense about what we’re really here to do, this mysterious sense of ourselves. So this revolution within ourselves, this sea change, these tipping points, this pressure building as a result of the shift that Marshall was talking about…
Thank you