We are so Connected Prayer

Hear Marshall Vian Summers give a prayer at the end of a meeting, April 20, 2020
…once again that we are so connected, and that great effort has been made to connect us by the Higher Powers, that though our life seems small and fragile and vulnerable, and even overwhelmed by current circumstances, we are yet brought together through a Greater Coordination.
Let us feel this blessing and acknowledge it, given the contrast to where we are now to where we were before. For a great blessing has occurred in our lives and as we proceed, this great blessing will continue to demonstrate itself and assert itself and verify itself so that we may have no doubt that we are on a sacred mission designed for us before we came, and now given to us to carry forth in this very time and place and circumstance.
For the blessing is with us. And finally, we are now with the blessing.
Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you dear Marshall for these confirming and comforting words from you to us…as we each strive to find our small contributions and service to this sacred mission and to this world at this time and place. I will keep this prayer close as I walk with my fellow students into the unchartered territories ahead. Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you Marshall for the prayers and blessings, it is always humbling to feel the sounds of prayers so deeply. Blessings to you and your family
Rahn Ekan Novay Trenansa, Misu Veda Maya Toom., … Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you Marshall for this comforting prayer. Your presence is a blessing upon our troubled world. May the New Message wash over our hungry souls. Perseverance serves this blessed journey to a new life in these difficult and sometimes overwhelming times. With deepest gratitude.
We are so connected to one another.
One of my favorite movies growing up was the Butterfly Effect. It’s about how one small action can cause a ripple effect which can touch the world.
Thank you Marshall, and everyone in The Society, for bringing us this wisdom.
“For the blessing is with us and finally now we are with the blessing.” I want to love this quote. Hoping that we stay with our sense of the blessedness in these trying times.
Thank you dear Marshall for this prayer and blessing. I do feel the Greater Co ordination taking place as we are moving into our designated places to serve. I am deeply grateful to share with you and be connected with all the students of Knowledge at this time of great service to humanity. It is a blessing that I found you, The Messenger and the NMG in this present life time to be able to receive the great teachings from you, through you and to honour your presence on earth as we go through these great waves together. Thank you. Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you Marshall, I feel this great blessing and it is always there in the background of my life since I found you and with you the New Message teachings.
Thank you for this prayer Marshall
Thank you Marshall for this prayer. Oh, yes this is so true and real, even when we do not feel well.It’s ok.We are not here for our fulfillment, we are here for a mission, small but very important.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Marshall for this prayer. It speaks of the miracle of my life joined with all involved with this New Message from God. You, the Society and fellow Students . We are all truly Blessed to have found each other at this time of Revelation.
Thank you Marshall for your prayer, I truly do feel that we are “brought together through a Greater Coordination”. May the blessing continue.
Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you dear Marshall for this beautiful prayer. This has hit me deeply for I have been feeling this more and more after reading Joy and Gratitude and Healing Relationships over and over. The more I read and am with them and you, my Teachers and the WWC around this world the more I feel connected and know we are connected because of the Higher Powers who watch over us and are connected to us too. Many times living in the physical world we forget these great and deep connections but hearing the prayer you shared and all the Revelations and Practices we can participate in now we can feel and know that we are never alone and are connected to something so great and vast and powerful which is the simple inclusion to life and the communication Life contains for each of us. Nasi Novare Coram